With the rising cost of food and fuel prices we have decided to expand our standing ‘free’ delivery codes for Military and Police to also include both Healthcare workers and Fire personnel good for use at any of the surrounding stations and facilities. We have also added some standing discount codes for larger orders available to everyone at anytime! Cart subtotals (before taxes and fees) will determine coupon eligibility.

Coupon Code Amount Description
militaryfriend $3.99 Past & Active Duty Military Coupon
mooresvillepd $3.99 Free Police Coupon
mooresvillefire $3.99 Free Fire Department Delivery
mooresvillehcare $3.99 Free Nurse, 1st responder, & Healthcare
seniormon$3.99Senior Discount Every Monday
4offorder50 $4.00 $4 off any order subtotal over $50
6offorder100 $6.00 $6 off any order subtotal over $100
10offorder150 $10.00 $10 off any order subtotal over $150
20offorder200 $20.00 $20 off any order subtotal over $200

*Any delivery utilizing a coupon code may be subject to a $5.00 ‘out of area fee’ if and only if the customer receives their order correctly, under 90 minutes, and fails to tip their driver. Using ANY coupon code means you agree to these terms and conditions *